Orange County SUV Rollover Accident Lawyers

SUV Rollover Accidents

At Robinson Calcagnie, Inc., our attorneys have represented dozens of individuals injured in rollovers over the last few decades. Working with design engineers, crash investigators, accident reconstruction engineers, and automotive safety experts, we have been able to identify design flaws that contributed to rollovers, or which caused or enhanced serious injuries and deaths in rollover accidents. These have included defective and inadequate roof and roof pillar designs, and vehicular instability, as well as occupant restraint system issues involving defective seat belts and seat backs. Our experienced lawyers have also authored articles in legal publications on the subject of dangerous and defective vehicle roofs and roof structures.

For more information regarding the legal liability of SUV manufacturers for rollovers and roof structure defects, contact our SUV rollover attorneys today. We represent clients throughout California, including Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Diego County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County, and in conjunction with local counsel licensed in other jurisdictions throughout the United States.

Working with Experts

In order to build a case against SUV manufacturers, we work with nationally recognized experts in the following areas:

  • Safety engineering
  • Vehicle crash worthiness
  • Stability
  • Door latch failures
  • Occupant restraint systems
  • Roof crush and roof pillar design
  • Tire blowouts and detreading
  • Structural failure analysis
  • Metallurgy and materials
  • Ejection injuries
  • Seat belt failure
  • Seat back failure
  • Automotive design
  • Safety standards
  • Accident reconstruction
  • Forensic pathology
  • Biomechanics
  • Human factors

Holding the Big Automakers Liable

Toyota, General Motors, Nissan, Ford, Honda, Chrysler, and other manufacturers routinely claim that they meet minimum federal standards for roof strength safety and therefore should not be liable for injuries resulting from roof crush. They argue that there are no government standards requiring a manufacturer to conduct rollover testing. However, many manufacturers have been incorporating high strength pillars and roof designs that absorb the forces involved in a typical rollover while preserving the integrity of the passenger compartment for decades. They have also introduced design features which reduce the risk of their vehicles rolling over. This is why consumer groups and safety experts have tested SUVs and offer recommendations for improving safety.

Contact Robinson Calcagnie, Inc. Today

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured as a result of an SUV rollover and would like your case evaluated, contact the Newport Beach SUV accident lawyers at Robinson Calcagnie, Inc. today. We provide free consultations and are available to meet with you even if you are unable to travel.

Robinson Calcagnie, Inc. is currently investigating claims against SCE relating to the Eaton Fire to assist victims. Click Here for More Information.